Best Paid Advertising Platforms - Ultimate Guide

Best Paid Advertising Platforms – Ultimate Guide

Table Of Contents

Even though your business sites might have organic traffic, paid traffic grows your visibility.  To increase the traffic and sales, companies choose paid advertisements. Based on some reports, paid advertising like PPC ads are 50% more effective than organic ads. 

Like Google ads, PPC, paid advertising is online advertising that a company pays to perform their advertising. So, if you are a beginner who wants to know more about paid advertising platforms, this blog post will help you. 

However, it’s best to first summarize some benefits of paid advertising platforms. 

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Benefits of Paid Advertising Platforms 

Benefits of Paid Advertising Platforms
Benefits of Paid Advertising Platforms


Paid advertisements ensure more reach from specific audiences. This will allow you to use your content to connect with your brand so paid advertisements result in qualified leads. 


The cost of the ads are often related to the objectives and goals. For example, if you are aiming for website traffic, you can choose for cost-per-click. You can create ads easily with all the necessary elements through various tools at a budget-friendly price. 

Being specific

If you are expecting specific results and objectives, you can go for paid advertising like PPC, Google ads, etc. 

Multiple Channels

Paid advertising will allow you to post your ads and market it across the channels like Amazon, Instagram, etc. 

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5+ Best Paid Advertising Platforms

Best paid advertising platforms
Best paid advertising platforms

1. Facebook Ads

While discussing social media, Facebook is one of the efficient platforms not only for discovering new friends, but also for advertising. According to some reports, Facebook has 1.96 billion daily active users. So, it has a great role in driving traffic to your sites through active users. 

Since it is a perfect place for ads, you can create facebook PPC ads. This platform will give you highly customizable options for targeting that will help you in understanding the customer’s behavior and interests. Due to these flexible features, you can display Facebook ads on Instagram. Along with these options, you can also create ads according to different formats, layouts, or placements. 

2. Google Ads

Google Ads is one of the top platforms for PPC that allows the marketers to advertise their brand, products or services on the web. Google Ads helps your company by displaying ads to the customers relevant to the terms in their Google search. 

Google is the highest search engine, so it will help your ads to show up in the SERPs. There are different types of Google Ads such as Search campaign, Display campaign, App campaign, etc. 

You can use Google ads for generating more leads and reaching new customers. Optimizing your Google Ad campaigns will help you in increasing the high ROI. 

3. Instagram ads 

Instagram helps in displaying ads in various formats. You can easily create ads on instagram with the help of many features. As it has Facebook integration, Instagram Ads feature many optimization and targeting options. 

Instagram ads will help you in building brand awareness and driving more leads and conversions. Since Instagram is one of the popular platforms, it is beneficial for reaching new audiences without boundaries. You can create ads and advertise your brands through posts and stories. Along with these, you can also track the performance. 

4. YouTube Ads 

With 2 billion monthly active users, YouTube is one of the mostly used social media platforms. It is one of the best spaces to promote your business and share the information about your products and services. 

These ads with connection to your YouTube videos will help you in reaching a new audience as you can target specific audiences and narrow down your audience. Since these ads are cost-effective, you only have to pay based on the clicks in it. 

YouTube Ads have metrics that allow you to track the performance easily. You can check it by clicking on to the analytics tab on your YouTube account. By visiting the Google Ads account, you can even measure the views, costs, etc. 

5. Twitter Ads

Twitter is one of the largest social media platforms after Facebook and Instagram. With multiforms, you can create campaigns for your brands and companies. As a fast paced platform, it allows you to engage and communicate with your customers. 

With 325 million active users, Twitter is a suitable place to reach new audiences and interact with them. Since people are more interested in knowing the trending topics, the usage of twitter won’t decline. You can easily use it for brand building and marketing campaigns. 

6. LinkedIn

As a great marketing tool, LinkedIn will help the companies to share and promote the products and services. This advertising source is mostly beneficial for business to business (B2B) companies. You can share informational contents and increase sales growth.

With 660 million users, LinkedIn is best for professionals and business. This platform will help you solve most of your business-specific goals. LinkedIn will also help in boosting quality leads. You can easily target a new audience based on various demographics like locations, industry, level of education, job, etc. 

7. Bing Ads

Even though Google Ads are more effective, Bing Ads have cheaper cost-per-click than Google Ads, so you can use these platforms for PPC ads. Through bing, you can easily make your ads reach high positions. 

Bing has a great role in targeting specific audiences based on various demographics so you can easily control your ads on these platforms. Bing Ads provide 50% of click through rate more than Google Ads (Cite a source). With great social extensions, Bing Ads will allow you to find out the number of Facebook and Twitter followers who see the ads. This means adding on Bing as an effective platform along with other platforms for advertising is a great choice. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is paid advertising beneficial?

Paid advertising is beneficial in providing affordable and specific results. It helps in making your advertisements more visible and increase reach.

Why is facebook efficient for paid advertising?

Since Facebook has billions of active Facebook users, it is one of the effective platforms for Facebook. It helps in driving more traffic to your campaigns.

Is Instagram great for brand awareness?

Through Instagram, you can build brand recognition. It has a great role in reaching new audiences.

Wrapping Up 

Paid advertising is an essential process in marketing your products and services. It has a great role in uplifting your business and building brand’s reputation. This article covers the seven platforms that are best for paid advertising in the current era. 

You can also use multiple channels and reach out to new people by promoting your brand. This will not only increase your visibility, but also your leads and conversions. 

You may read more about the paid advertising platforms through this blog. Now that you know the best paid advertising platforms, you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

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